What a weekend! Why does everthing happen at once! I went to Leicester on Friday with my quilting friends to a fabric warehouse. When I got home I couldn't find my purse. I'd last had it in the pub where we stopped for lunch....so after a few worried phone calls, luckly it had be found in the pub at Leicester!
I was going to the Great Northern Papercraft Show on the Saturday with no bank cards or anyway of getting money out of my account! What was I going to do...you cant go to a craft show without bringing back loads of goodies! I had to borrowed some money. The Papercraft show was great though and I came back with a few goodies. I can recommend losing your purse as an excellent way not to overspend at a Craft show...LOL! So today I have travelled back to Leicester to recover my lost purse.
In between my journeys this weekend I have finished off my Tag for the Swap I volunteered for from Sue at http://www.countrypleasures.blogspot.com/. Everyone knows how much I love my dogs so I have based my Tag design around them. Here's the front.....

This is the back I decided to keep it simple!

My crafting friends made up for me not spending much at the craft show...They bought some new cartridges for their Cricut machine but as they are going on holiday this week they kindly let me have a play with them first. It was great fun, I love the lettering and flourishes on the Storybook cartridge. I got out my scrap box of paper and starting playing, the next time I noticed it was past midnight! I couldnt let them go to waste so I have completed a layout with them on.....

The picture is of my Mum and Brothers taken over 10 years ago. I must find out where, I can see the pier and the pebbley beach, it must be down South????

Oh Jo, you were so lucky to get your purse back!
Love your dog tag and page...story book is one of my favourites. Lynne x
glad you got your purse back nice to know there are some honest peeps about.storybook is lovely x sue x
The tag is adorable, I was right, you are very crafty! I love it!
Joe you are a lucky girl to get your purse back!! Glad you had a good weekend considering what happened, love the scrap page and Tag!! Just love story book as well the font is my favourite xx
Glad you got your purse back. Love the story book cartridge it's my favorite so far. The page is great. Love the tag, no doubt how much you love your dogs. Love Sandra x
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